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  Best SAE Practices (Sample SAE projects)  
Choose the SAE area that best fits your project experience and view specific step-by-step instructions for each area:

Work-Based  Entrepreneurship Research
Exploring Career Opportunities View Examples    Job Experience, or Service Learning
View Examples
    An ownership project or School-Based Business
View Examples
  Test, Invent, or Research
View Examples


Beginning Values for SAEs Worksheet      
Beginning Inventory Worksheet can be used to help organize items on hand prior to beginning agricultural education that are used in SAE projects.  A summary video can also share the steps to add in your beginning values. 

SAE Plans/Training Agreement (choose linked here for more resources)      
SAE planning or commonly called a Training Agreement is a key part of your experience.  View Common project learning areas and view plan resources aligned to your specific SAE. 

Project/Experience Manager Videos      
View our Experience Manager Video Resources as well as Inactive versus active SAE Projects video.

Non-Current Items in AET      
 These videos will help students determine the type of item, depreciation percentage and salvage value for their non-current/capital items.

Reflection Tools in AET      
Check out fifteen minute video covering ending SAE Values, ending current inventories, and non-current item usage.

SAE Video Library from      
FFA has a great collection of SAE examples from students all over the country doing unique and creative SAE ideas! 

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  SAE For All

View the SAE For All educational resources at

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