Strategy Manager Overview
The following video provides a summary of Strategic Planning (POA) in AET.
Using AET for National Chapter Award
How you can use your Strategic Plan (POA) in AET to complete your National Chapter Award Application.
Also, view our 2-page guide that shares how your Strategic Plan (POA) can be used to quickly develop your FFA National Chapter Award application.
Strategic Planning (POA) Educational Guides
(1) The Developing Your Chapter's Strategic Plan (PDF) offers important steps in the process and is a great student handout as they assist in the process.
(2) Managing PoA Event Details in AET (PDF) covers specific details of an activity and makes a great student handout.
(3) The Chapter Event Attendance (Scanning in Participants) (PDF) how to document attendance at chapter events using student ID cards and a video on Validating Participation in Events
(4) Student Participants video (6 min.) shares how you can get a list of students involvement in excel.
(5) The Developing a Chapter Strategic Plan PowerPoint (PDF) can help students understand the process.
Student/Program Worksheets (Great for student leader trainings)
(1) The POA Activity Planning Worksheet (PDF) (MS Word) / Great Officer Training Activity!
(2) Use the AET's Strategic Planning Budget Worksheet (PDF) to outline key areas of your budget, which is an important part for planning your year / Great officer activity
Reports from Strategic Planning (POA)
(1) Strategic Plan Reporting (6 min video) - How to use AET's strategic planning system, put kids in charge and run reports
(2) Reviewing Chapter and Student Pictures through the Teacher Portfolio (3 min video) - Gathering program and student photos for banquets
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